Senin, 03 Mei 2010


A husband and wife live happily. Since 10 years ago, she was actively involved in activities to oppose abortion, because in his view, abortion meant killing a baby. After years - years to settle down - stairs, the wife finally became pregnant, so the couple was very happy.
They spread the good news to family, friends - friends, friends - friends and the neighborhood. Everyone to be happy with them.
But after a few months, something bad happens. Doctors found the baby twins in her belly, a baby male - male and female. But women experiencing abnormal baby, and he might not live until the time of birth arrives. And the condition also can affect a baby boy - boys. So the doctor advised to do abortions, in order for the mother and baby boys - brothers.
This fact makes the situation becomes reversed. Neither the husband nor the wife experienced depression. The couple was determined not to abort her baby daughter, but also worried for your baby's health men - brothers. "I could feel his presence, he was sleeping soundly," the mother said in between tears.
Surroundings give moral support to the couple, saying that this is God's will. When the wife make us closer to God, arrived - arrived he realized that God must have a plan behind all this. This makes them more resilient.
The couple struggled to accept this fact. They are looking for information on the Internet, go to the library, met with many doctors, to learn more about the problem of their baby. One thing they found was that they were not alone. Many other couples are also experiencing the same situation, where the babies they can not live long. They also find that some infants will be able to survive, if they are able to obtain donor organs from other babies.
A very rare opportunity. Who wants to donate organs of the baby to someone else?
Long before their baby is born, the couple named the baby, Jeffrey and Anne. They continue to prostrate to God. At first, they sought a miracle that the baby recovered. Then they knew, that they should be begging to be given strength to face whatever happens, because they believe God has a plan himself.
Miracles happen, the doctor said that she was well enough to be born, but he would not survive more than two hours. The wife then discuss with her husband, that if something bad happened to her, they'll donate his organ. There were two babies who are struggling to live and dying, who are waiting for an organ donor baby. Once again, the couple were in tears. They cry in a position as a parent, where they were not even able to save Anne. The couple were determined to bravely face the impending reality.
Birth day arrives. The wife successfully gave birth to two baby safely. In those precious moments, the husband was carrying Anne with great care - the heart, Anne looked at her father, and smiled sweetly. Anne was a cute smile will never be forgotten in his life.
There are no words - words in this world that could describe the couple's feelings at that time. They are very proud that they've done the right choice (by not abort Anne), they are very happy to see Anne, who was so tiny smile at them, but they are very sad that this happiness will end in a few hours.
Really no words - words that can represent the feelings of the couple. Perhaps only by the tears that continued to fall in flow, tears coming from their wounded souls?
Both the grandfather, grandmother, and relatives of the family has a chance to see Anne. Miracles happen again, Anne still survive after 2 hours. Provide more opportunity for families to share their happiness. But Anne was not able to survive after six hours?.
The doctors worked quickly to make organ donation procedures. After several weeks, the doctor contacted the couple that the donor is successful. Two babies were rescued from death.
The couple are now aware of the will of God. Although she only lived for six hours, but he managed to save two lives. For these couples, she is their hero, and his little Anne will live forever in their hearts?.
There are two important points which we can contemplate this story:
1. Indeed, it does not matter how long we live, one day or even
one hundred years. The right thing - really matters is what we have we
do during our lives, which is useful for others.
2. Anne's mother says "The most important thing for parents is not about how
his career in the future, in which they live, or how much
money they could generate. But the most important thing for us as parents
is to ensure that children - our children - Merger and blessed
his life, so that when death met them, they will reach heaven. "

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