Senin, 03 Mei 2010


Let's follow this fascinating story:
Older, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Perhaps because of the quiet stillness of the first because I got up early, or perhaps also because of inestimable joyous because do not have to come to work. Whatever the reason, the first few hours very enjoyable Saturday morning.
A few weeks ago, I was kind of forced myself into the kitchen with a cup of warm coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other. What I normally do on Saturday morning, turned into an unforgettable moment in life. Here's her story:
I harden my radio to listen to a voice chat show - Shows Saturday morning. I heard someone a bit older with her golden voice. He was talking about a thousand marbles to someone on the phone who was called "Tom". I was intrigued and sat down to listen to what the chat.
"Look Tom, it sounds like you are busy with your work. I'm sure they pay you enough, but it's really too bad you have to leave your home and your family too often. Hard to believe why there are young people who have to work 60 or 70 hours per week to make ends meet - day. To watch a dance show your daughter you do not have time too. "
He continued: "Let me tell you this, Tom, something that helped me organize and maintain the priority of what I should do in my life."
Then he began to explain the theory of "a thousand marbles" her. "Look Tom, one day I sat - sat down and began menghiitung - count. Kan most people - average 75 years of life. Yes I know, there is nothing more and nothing less, but on average - a generally average about 75 years. Then, I multiply 75 by 52 and get the number 3900 which is the sum of all day Saturday - average person has over his life. Now consider the right - right Tom, I want to move to something more important. "
"You know, when I was 55 years occurred to me all the details of this", he continued, "and at that moment I already spent 2800 on Saturday. I used to think, if I could live to 75 years, then left me only about 1000 Saturdays are still able to enjoy ".
'Then I went ketoko toy marbles and bought every item there. I need to visit three stores, only able to get the marbles in 1000. I brought home, put in a large clear plastic box that I put in my place, in addition to the radio. Every Saturday since that, I always take a marble and threw it. "
"I've experienced, that by watching the marbles - marbles disappeared, I was more focused on things - things that really - really important in my life. Really, nothing is more valuable than your time watching this world disappear and reduced, to help improve and straighten all your life priorities. "
"Now I want to give a final message before I decided to call and take my wife out for breakfast dear. This morning, I had taken my last marble, I took out of the box. I think, if I were to last until Saturday to come, then God has given me with a little extra for the additional time spent with someone - someone who cared. "
"It was good to talk to you, Tom. I hope you can spend more time with people - people who you love, and I hope one day to meet with you. Good morning!"
When he stopped, so quiet quiet, falling one jarumpun could be heard! For the moment, even moderated the event rose in silence. Maybe he wanted to give his listeners, a chance to think things through. Actually I had planned to work that morning, but I'm changing event, I went upstairs and woke my wife with a kiss.
"Come on dear, I take you and the child - the child out, go have breakfast."
"Hey, what's this ...?", he asked, smiling. "Ah, no anything - anything, nothing special," I replied, "Have not we do not spend long enough on Saturday, with children - children? Oh yes, we'll also stop at the toy store huh? I need to buy marbles."
My dear friend, what is still remaining marbles in our pockets?
From every one who has wasted marbles, what have you got?

- Sadness
- Doubt
- Boredom
- Anger
- Desperate
- Barriers
- Hostility
- Pessimists
- Failure


- Happiness
- Trust
- Enthusiastic
- Love
- Motivation
- Opportunities
- Friendship
- Optimistic
- Success

Time will pass quickly.
Not many marbles were left in our pockets today.
Use wisely to provide a better happiness
for ourselves, families, and our environment.

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